December 31, 2023:

It’s the end of the year. Time to reflect on all that has happened this past 2023 as it rolls into 2024 with its ensuing adventures, challenges, hopes and changes. This year I’m writing down my reflections to make my thoughts concrete. I don’t want them floating away into the ether, neglected, as sometimes happens with me. (Ether — such an ancient word.)

Doing a google search, I see a derivative of ether, ethered, has morphed into a meaning totally unrelated to the essence of the miraculous. Sadly, it’s slang to describe humiliating someone. (Why the word ether, I wonder?)

Me? I’m using the word ether the way I’ve always used it. To describe the wonderous connection we human beings have with the universe.
Taken from The Goog:The ancient Greeks saw ether as a god-like element, and a substance that allowed humans to connect to spirituality and intuition. Ancient yogis saw ether as that which was unbound and all-pervasive, and the element of potentiality.

I like this and especially so, potentiality. For me potentiality is how I started 2023. Now at the year’s end, that potentiality has turned into my reality. I wait to see what potentiality brings for 2024 and how I can turn it into my reality during 2024.

And so, I write this down to remember. To appreciate. To reflect. To wonder. To measure how far I have or haven’t come. To revel in my successes. To learn from my failures. Because that’s the power of the written word. It’s there in front of you – a record. A moment out of so many moments.

Written down, I see laid before me my realized dreams as I continue to live in gratitude for all that I have experienced this past year. Becoming an author with the completion of my book – On Love and Death and Belonging. Working with The Self-Publishing Agency to help me indie-publish my book. Filming a YouTube segment. Getting my book out to the public through Amazon and Goodreads. Owning my own domain name and having my own website. Getting on social media to promote my book. Accepting invitations from book-clubs to present my book. Interviewing with podcasters about On Love and Death and Belonging. Being interviewed by our local CBC for nurse’s week. Connecting with folks through Mailchimp to let them know of my progress. Re-connecting with old friends and meeting new ones. Seeing myself in a new way as an author. Seeing others in new ways as they support me through this whole book writing and publishing process. Knowing my husband is steadfast in his unwavering continued support of what I am doing.

And that is another wonderful thing about this wonderful year of re-invention. I’ve learned there’s no reason to stagnate, no matter what age or stage you may be in or at. The world holds so much. You just have to listen as it speaks to you, then reach out and accept what it offers. It’s never too late or too early to realize your dreams.

Happy 2024 as I say a sad farewell to the life-changing year that for me was 2023 and welcome new beginings with 2024.

‘till next time
Daphne Leonie Wright

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