
As a first-time published author, I’m excited to be finished my indie book, On Love and Death and Belonging. I’m now starting the adventure of getting my book out there – wherever out there is. So, here I sit, fingers to keyboard endeavouring to write a blog. Another first for me in a long list of recent firsts.

Please join me in exploring the greater questions that come up in my book – medical assistance in dying, loneliness, domestic abuse, marginalization, belonging, friendship, trust. Or just about anything else we feel like discussing. I’m not sure where this blog will take me or you or it. Just hope it’s a good ride for all of us.

For this first attempt, I’d like to share some of the great and wonderful things I have learned along the way as I’ve written On Love and Death and Belonging. And a few of the not-so-great things. Hope it may be of help to anyone of you starting something new. I’ve learned as we go along this thing called life, we need to make space within ourselves to be new. Or we will, like the tin man, rust.

Things I’ve learned during this writing process:

How deeply fulfilling the sense of accomplishment that comes with writing each word, sentence, paragraph and page is.

Writing a book is, at times, hard and lonely work.

Once you’re done writing your indie book and you think you’re finished, you aren’t. What you are is someone who needs to remove themselves from their comfort zone and put yourself out there to market and sell it. If not, your book will become a hard surface for writing grocery and things-to-do lists.

That the great grammar and writing skills taught in school don’t come flooding back. Or maybe they weren’t there in the first place. (OK Mr. French, I get why my masterpiece in grade 11 English only got a B-.)

How with deadlines, putting nose-to-grindstone would be a better use of time than watching re-runs of Friends.

That most people are supportive and helpful and encouraging and fantastic. When you shine, they shine.

When defeat calls your name, don’t listen. Keep going!

Hope this helps you as you venture along with your newness. Whatever shape that newness takes.

‘Till next time.

Daphne Leonie Wright

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